Your Health is our passion


We can help you with

General Physiotherapy
Consultation, Stroke Rehabilitation, Pediatric And Geratic
Care, Post Surgical Rehabilitation, Therapeutic Exercise And
Weight Management Program, Massage Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Osteopathy Services, Home Physiotherapy

Stroke Rehabilitation

Treatment description

The goal is to help stroke survivors become as independent as possible and to have the best possible quality of life.

Pediatric And Geriatric Care

Treatment description

We provide physiotherapy treatment for kids/children and the elderly

Post Surgical Rehabilitation

Treatment description

We provide physiotherapy treatment that will help patient recover quickly after major surgery.

Therapeutic Exercise And Weight Management Program

Treatment description

Involves movement prescribed to correct impairments, restore muscular and skeletal function and/or maintain a state of well-being, and weight management.

 Massage Therapy

Treatment description

It is the manipulation of the muscles and other soft tissues of the body .


Treatment description

It is the use of water in the treatment of disease or injury.

Osteopathy Services

Treatment description

It is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems by moving, stretching and massaging a person’s muscles and joints. 

Home Physiotherapy

Treatment description

We also provide home services where we come to your home to treat you.